Or C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas, with Steam. This folder can be found in your Fallout: New Vegas directory, the place on your PC that the installer put the game and all its files.Ĭ:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout New Vegas,

This brings us to one of the most important things to know about Fallout mods, the data folder. So, where do we find these texture and mesh folders? A problem with a texture replacement will not cause your game to crash, but it can result in some goofy looking people wandering the Strip.

These can actually replace the default textures (skins) of game characters with something else and, for this reason it is always, always advised to backup your original mesh and texture folders. The big exception to this is, of course, body replacers. In general, mods never alter the base files of the game and, while incompatible Fallout: New Vegas mods may conflict and cause your game to crash or behave funnily, they will never render the game so far inoperable that simply reinstalling won’t solve it. Clicking on the Data Files option of the startup screen lets you view which mods are installed, if any. If you’re reading this article then you probably already have some idea of what a mod is, but for clarity: most mods for Fallout: New Vegas either add items in the form of texture and mesh files and then place these in the game somewhere, or alter the gameplay mechanics by adding a file that tells the game to behave a little differently than it would without the file installed.

They are often created by end-users on an amateur basis, and can be applied to a computer game to add items, alter gameplay or even completely convert the game into something else, in effect creating a whole new product. Not to be confused with scooter-riding young people in 1960s Britain, a mod in the computer gaming world is a game modification. Mods can seriously enhance a game by fixing bugs or implementing ideas that make the experience more enjoyable, but they are often a bit intimidating to those who are a little uncomfortable mucking about with the internal workings of their game. Anybody who plays Fallout: New Vegas on a PC has at some point come across a mod for it that makes them drool and wish the vanilla game already came like that.